Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring in Texas

I so enjoy springtime in Texas, except for the hail (roof 3/4 damaged) and the poison ivy (all in my front flower bed).

I've been busy planting ice plants and perennials. I just love sages and am having so much fun planting them.

I also am loving reading my uncle's blog, Writing from the Hip. He's a pretty cool uncle and I love his sense of humor.

Also, spring means that school will soon be out! While I love being a librarian I look forward to school being out each spring.

I'm also looking to build a raised bed in between the totally cut down cursed crape myrtles (another story) just for perennials. I'm also going to plant a couple more trees. (I guess I need to let Oscar know.)

Evidently, I'm not the only one. My Alabama sister wants to know how to plant a hummingbird garden and my Tennessee sister planted and weeded all day Saturday.

It's good to live in the South.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Losing Teeth

I read my Uncle's blog this morning, "Writing from the Hip," about his granddaughter and the tooth fairy. That got me thinking.

#1 Is my uncle really old enough to have a granddaughter?

#2 Ahhhhhh. The tooth fairy. I enjoyed the tooth fairy so much that I had EIGHT teeth missing in front at the same time. (Ponder a toothless 6 year old.) I pulled those baby teeth, roots and all. Finally, Daddy said, "Young lady, if you pull another tooth, I'll wear you out." It's a wonder my teeth ever came in straight. When I can find the picture of me, toothless, I'll post it.

#3 The forgetful tooth fairy. My daddy was wise. We could take a chance on the tooth fairy for a quarter or take a sure dime.

#4 My younger son, diesel (now married -- perhaps my uncle is old enough to be a grandfather), had interesting dental issues with his two front teeth when a little guy. It seems the bone wanted to continue to sprout babies, yet not release them. The dentist had to pull the teeth and do some scraping. One day said son came in to the living room with an envelope, sealed, with scribbling on the front, and an easter seals stamp in the corner. When I asked diesel what it was he told me, "My tooth. I need you to send it to the dentist. That way I can get the money for the tooth." Poor kid. He thought the dentist was the tooth fairy. By the way, his teeth are fine, now.

and then there is geek, who put a popcorn kernel in his ear.... Ah, that's another story.


My Corner of the World

This was originally posted on a different blog (by me) subscribed to a different email. I am trying to get the blogs to the google sign-in I always use. Not having much luck. Sure wish Google would create a merge feature. (Hint, hint).

I have been blogging professionally. I have also been reading, with interest, my Uncle's blog about growing up in Arizona. He doesn't always get the facts right. My sister, Valerie, was born in Georgia, and not in Arizona. However, he always gets the love right. Uncle Paul has finally located the journals of my grandfather and is transcribing them. He has been sharing some of these with my sister, Cozette, who has been sharing them with me. All of this got me thinking.... What memories am I leaving? What memories do I want to write before the facts get scrambled? And so, I've embarked on this little journey.

Perhaps my sisters will comment along the way. Perhaps others can understand the joy and troubles of family. Whatever, I hope to leave a trail for my children.
